Justness is using the laws for their intended purpose which is to protect.

The purpose of laws is to protect not to oppress.


The Justness Project is a results orientated nonprofit in which lawyers, advocates, and freedom fighters work to fight for the rights of people by using the laws as an empowering tool in courts and communities around the world.

We achieve Justness for our clients globally by using the laws and fighting systems from the inside out. Because of our work, clients feel protected, not abandoned, by the law.

Let’s stand for #Justness together.

Fighting for Justness

Every human deserves protection under their country’s laws — even when that law is forgotten or ignored. Sharing three cases from her international legal practice, Kimberley Motley, an American litigator practicing in Afghanistan and elsewhere, shows how a country’s own laws can bring both justice and “justness”: using the law for its intended purpose, to protect.


“The laws are ours, and no matter what your ethnicity, nationality, gender or race, they belong to us.”

— Kimberley Motley



In addition to the countless hours that are spent on working to improve the global community, we also represent numerous clients pro bono on matters that impact the world. The Justness Project supports and respects the protection of human rights for all and conducts our business operations accordingly.